Country information
What is important for my bus trip to France/Normandy such as travel documents?
But also some fun facts about the country, the French, food & drink, and facts.

France borders Belgium and Luxembourg in the north; in the east to Germany, Switzerland and Italy; to the south it borders the Mediterranean Sea, Italy, Andorra, Spain and the Atlantic Ocean; to the west it borders the Atlantic Ocean.
Land area: 551,500 km²
Water surface: 1,400 km²
Number of km of coast: 3,427 km
Highest point: 4,807 m (Mont Blanc)
Lowest point: -2 m (river Rhône)
Number of inhabitants: 66,900,000
Capital: Paris
Form of government: France has been a parliamentary republic since 1958. The president is directly elected for a seven-year term and has extensive powers. The prime minister is the chairman of the government, who is accountable to parliament. This legislature consists of two chambers: the Assemblée Nationale and the Senate.
Religion: The vast majority of France is Roman Catholic (64%).
In France you must have a valid passport or a valid identity card (ID card). The documents must be valid up to and including your return to the Netherlands. If you do not have Dutch nationality, please consult the relevant consulate of the country of origin.
The official language is French, but minorities also speak Breton (Brittany), Occitan (the south), Basque (in the western Pyrenees), German (Alsace-Lorraine), Dutch (French Flanders), Catalan (Rousillon), Italian ( around Nice), Corsican (in Corsica).
The French currency is the Euro (€). You can use a card with a Maestro logo at almost any ATM.
Credit cards from Mastercard, VISA, Diner and American Express are accepted almost everywhere.
Look for stickers in relevant shops and restaurants. But also bring some cash; there are still plenty
small shops and restaurants that like cash, especially when it comes to small amounts.
Tap water
In general, tap water in France is of good quality and safe to drink. If there is a sign at the tap with 'eau non potable' (no drinking water), you must buy bottled water.
Price level
You can compare the prices in France for drinks and meals with the Dutch prices. In the big cities and in places where many tourists come, you will pay more.
The voltage (230) and the frequency (50) are the same as in the Netherlands. Electrical outlets have two round holes and may have a protruding ground pin. You do not need an adapter for grounded plugs with a hole for this grounding pin or flat plugs without grounding. For grounding plugs without a hole for a grounding pin, you may need an adapter Europe or a universal world plug